Governance Elections Advocacy Research Services (GEARS) Initiative Zambia is dedicated to advancing democratic processes, human rights, and the rule of law in Zambia. Through a range of strategic programs, we strive to foster a transparent, accountable, and inclusive governance system. Our programs are designed to address critical areas of democracy and civic engagement, ensuring that every citizen’s voice is heard and valued.
Defend, Protect and Promote Democracy, Human Rights, Constitutionalism, Rule of Law and Electoral Integrity in Zambia and beyond” through research, advocacy, civic education and public awareness and
information sharing.
A Zambia in which all citizens defend, protect and promote Democratic Processes and Electoral Integrity freely and actively
Defend, Protect and Promote Democracy, Human Rights, Constitutionalism, Rule of Law and Electoral Integrity in Zambia and beyond” through research, advocacy, civic education and public awareness and
information sharing.